There are three types of insurance adjusters:

A “company adjuster" is an employee of your insurance company. They represent the interest of the insurance company and are paid by the insurance company. They will not charge you a fee.

An “independent adjuster" is hired on a contract basis by your insurance company to represent the insurance company's interest in the settlement of your claim. They are paid by your insurance company. They will not charge you a fee.

A “public adjuster" does not work for any insurance company, is not a public employee, and does not work on behalf of the State of Illinois, Department of Insurance, or any other public agency. They work for you to assist in the preparation, presentation and settlement of your claim. You hire a public adjuster by signing a contract agreeing to pay a fee or commission based on a percentage of your settlement, or other method of compensation.

No. Many consumers find that the services offered by public adjusters can be performed, for free, by trained insurance company staff. You may wish to speak with Department staff before engaging the services of a public adjuster.

Your insurance company also has knowledgeable claim adjusters who are available to assist you with the claim process.

No. Insurance policies do not cover the fees of a public adjuster.

You must pay for the services provided by a public adjuster. Typically, public adjuster’s charge a fee equal to a certain percentage of the claim paid by your insurance company. In other words, after your insurance company settles your insurance claim, the public adjuster could take a percentage of that settlement.

Yes. All fees charged by the public adjuster can and should be negotiated.

Once you sign a contract with a public adjuster, the public adjuster will notify your insurance company, who will then send all correspondence to your public adjuster. You should ask the public adjuster to routinely update you on the progress of your claim. The insurance proceeds will be sent to you and you must then give the adjuster the fee that you agreed to on the contract with him.

Yes. Illinois law requires the public adjuster to provide you with a written contract which has been approved by the Director of Insurance. The contract should specify the services the public adjuster will provide for you and any salary, fee, commission, compensation or other consideration he or she will receive for those services. The contract you sign with the public adjuster is binding and can only be canceled by certified mail within 5 business days after the date the contract was signed.

Yes. A public adjuster is required to serve with objectivity and complete loyalty for your interests alone and to render to you such information, counsel, and service as will best serve your insurance claim needs and interests.

Yes. Illinois law requires public adjusters to be licensed with the Department of Insurance. Contact the Department at (866) 445-5364 to verify that the public adjuster is licensed and in good standing before signing any contract.

Inventory your personal property. Record model and serial numbers for more expensive items (i.e. televisions, DVRs, computers, etc.). Keep receipts for these items – they provide information such as: purchase price, purchase date, name of store, etc. You may even consider video recording or taking pictures inside your home. Note: Inventory records should be kept at a location other than your home.

  • Make photocopies of your insurance policies and keep the copies in a secure location away from your residence. Keep important papers together so they will be readily available when you need them.
  • Have your insurance producer and insurance company’s telephone numbers readily available.
  • Be familiar with the coverage of your insurance policy. Make sure you understand the difference between actual cash value (ACV) and replacement cost coverage for your contents. ACV replaces contents at cost minus depreciation. Replacement cost replaces your contents at today’s prices.
  • Remember: basic homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flood, earthquake or mine subsidence damages. Coverage for these perils can be added to your homeowner’s insurance policy for additional premium. Contact your insurance producer for more information
  • You should contact your insurance producer or company as soon as possible after a disaster strikes. Provide as much detail as you can about damage to your property. After a natural disaster, insurance companies may communicate the proper procedures for filing a claim via local newspapers, radio or television. If your insurance company does not have representatives on the scene available to help you, call the company directly and ask for the claims department. The company’s contact number should be listed in your policy or can be obtained through the Department of Insurance. Be sure to provide all phone numbers where you may be reached, especially if your home is uninhabitable. Your insurance company will need to contact you.

    To protect your property from further damage, you should make all necessary temporary repairs, such as boarding up windows and patching holes in walls or roofs, as soon as possible--even if you have not yet seen the company representative. It is beneficial for you to have an inventory, description, and replacement cost for your damaged items. You will need to list where you bought each item, how much you paid for it, and how much it will cost to replace. It may also be helpful to include brand names and model numbers if you know them. Take photos and videos of your damaged property, as well as items that have been damaged along the way. The more information you can supply, the better your adjuster will be able to assist with your claim. Do not throw out damaged furniture or other items of value. The adjuster will want to see them.

    1. Turn off your water source. Water damage can result from a variety of sources, including leaks, broken pipes, and increased humidity.
    2. Contain the leak and prevent it from spreading by covering the hole.
    3. Switch off your home’s main electricity.
    4. Schedule an appointment with us we can perform a thorough inspection of the damage and have it fixed fast. Our team is available for your emergency needs 24/7. Hiring our team of professionals is the best option when managing water damage or floods

    Attorneys end up hiring public adjusters to help them settle a claim because adjusters and licensed in valuing property losses accurately.

    You can hire a PA until you have not agreed to the settlement. Remember- the insurer is not your friend during your time of loss. As a leading Illinois PA, we will serve your interests during the claims process.